
silly faces. at school.

Today was my daughter Sophie's career day in the second grade. So Arlen and I got to go to her class and share with the kids our careers. I first talked about my #1 job, which is being a mom. Then I showed them my photography equipment and talked about my job as a photographer, the kids seemed very intrigued and asked some thoughtful questions like; " Why do you get a red eye in pictures" I thought that was very observant for a second grader. Then Arlen talked about being a realtor. So instead of bringing treats to pass out, I took each kid aside and took silly pictures of them, the other kid in line behind him got to hold the reflector to fill the shadows on the side of the face. It was fun for them to do something hands on. Here are some of my favorite funny faces from the second graders of Mrs. Olson's class.