
haley ann warner loves her kids.

i have had the privilege of getting to know the amazing Haley Ann Warner. i have been a huge admirer of her work. she is an amazing photographer! i have shot some weddings with her, and have had so much fun shootin & chillin with her. because she is having twins, she was wanting some shots of her with her sweet three kids just doin what they do around the house, and living their normal lives... before the twins come along and all heck brakes loose!
so here's a day of pancakes, piano playing, games, books, and just cuddling on the bed... 
( doesn't she look good! yes, there are two babies in there... can't believe it! )

and these ones were for me...


I have had a polaroid for a few months, but I keep forgetting to take it to my shoots... so i just decided to lug it along anyways and at least get a couple of shots from it each shoot. and believe me... it's so worth it! i love the authentic vintage look, and the unexpected coloring. 

so here are a couple of polas from my shoot with meagan... 


Meagans Bridals.

i love love love these bridals! 
beautiful bride. gorgeous dress. nice sunny day. plenty of time. 
couldn't decide... so i had to post a bunch! hope you like!

preview... Meagan's bridals

can't decide which ones to post... so... i'll post my favorite for now, more to come tomorrow!


katy... is graduating!

This is one of my favorite shoots so far! So... here it is... another extra long post!
could not decide once again which ones to post, they were all so amazing! Katy is so beautiful and has such a cute personality, her mom came along and was so much fun to have there! And the light was so perfect. Thank you to Mckenzie for assisting! 
So... do you guys like?