
Hunter Family. San Clemente Peir

Okay... so I'm a little behind on blog posts... like wayyy behind!

this holiday season was CrAzY!!! shooting, traveling to shoot, editing, xmas cards, kids programs, family stuff....
but I'm getting back to the swing of things!
this month I will be spending more time getting my site going, redoing my pricing, getting organized... and less time shooting :(
BUT once I'm done and ready to show off my new stuff... i'll also be giving out some sweet new deals!
ALSO... if you have emailed me and are waiting for a response.. please hang tight.. i'll return all emails shortly.
This week I'll be posting only my two favorite shots per shoot until I get up to date on my blog posts... so stay tuned for the last two months of sessions :)

for now... the sweet sweet Hunter family from Orange County.. we shot at the San Clemente Peir... Oh how I LOVE it there!
i want to be there right now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These are absolutely divine! They are all beautiful. Senior Pictures this spring? Yes please.

  3. ashlee is the most amazing photographer ever!

  4. Its Photographers like you that make me realize how very VERY far I have to go. Your work is stunning...real....soft...clean... and so crisp at the same time. Love your style...

  5. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! Your work is always amazing. I hope you are getting some rest now :)!
