
The Sandbucket Blog Feature

Introducing The Sandbucket, a fun, creative blog and magazine collecting lovely ideas for lovely families.
The first issue of the magazine will be out January of 2012.

I was just featured on The Sandbucket Blog,
and I look forward to my print feature in the magazine
as well as all of the issues coming up!
What a great new magazine addition!


One Week Left of the "Getting Weddy" Promo

Book your wedding between
now and February 1st 2012
and receive

10% off any
Wedding Collection

Email me at ashleeraubach@mac.com
and don't forget to mention that you're
"Getting Weddy"
to be married!


Utah Style and Design

So excited!!
My photographs were featured in the January 2012 issue of

The feature focuses on the gorgeous 18th century style home
that I shot in Provo, Utah and designed by the talented Jessica Bennett from

Thank you to the editors of Utah Style and Design
for featuring my work and involving me as a
contributor of such an inspiring magazine.
It is such an honor!